School Performance Measures

At Elstree Screen Arts Academy
we play a different game:

We train our students with the intent to gain meaningful employment and to express themselves artistically and professionally. Doing so means that we offer a variety of subjects that do not align with HM Government’s vision of an EBACC driven, Progress-8 and exam-based education system.

To those looking to embrace the arts as an essential form of education, we offer a broad curriculum of industry-oriented subjects underpinned by leaders in arts education such as the University of the Arts London and RSL. Many of our staff are industry veterans with years of experience training and pioneering in their fields.

We do not play the ‘Performance Table’ game and we are not favoured by their rankings. We champion our own vision of education.

If you wish to view HM Government’s performance tables you can visit them by clicking the link below.

The government has suggested schools to include the following statement (for consideration when viewing Performance Tables): “Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.”